Krilogy Team

Wealth Services Manager
Ben Orris
Tax Manager
Brady Kirkpatrick
Associate Wealth Advisor
Senior Wealth Advisor
Associate Wealth Advisor
Associate Wealth Advisor
Senior Trader
Charles Schulz
Senior Wealth Advisor
Senior Wealth Advisor
Dan Reilly
Associate Wealth Advisor
Quantitative Strategist
Associate Wealth Advisor
Wealth Services Manager
Deanna Kaber
Director of RIA Operations
Executive Assistant
Krilogy Law* Attorney
Associate Wealth Advisor
Hanh Nguyen
Senior Wealth Advisor
Jacob Steingrubey
Senior Wealth Planner
Jake Thornton
Director of Portfolio Strategy
Jaime Shelton
Partner, Vice President of Business Operations
Jay Logsdon
Senior Wealth Advisor
Director of Technical Research
Jane Leech
Senior Wealth Services Manager
Jeff Hercules
Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor
Jeff Skornia
Wealth Advisor
Financial Planner
Office Manager
Managing Partner, Krilogy Texas
John McArthur
Senior Partner and Chief Investment Officer
Senior Wealth Advisor
Wealth Advisor
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Wealth Services Manager
Kent Skornia
President and CEO
Kerri Hensel
Senior Wealth Services Manager
Wealth Services Manager
Kristin Poole
Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Kyle Goepel
Wealth Advisor, Director of Business Development
Wealth Services Manager
Lauren Polsgrove
Transition Support Manager
Wealth Services Manager
Wealth Advisor
Tax Associate
Senior Partner & Chief Financial Officer
Tax Associate
Matt Haywood
Partner and Retirement Plan Advisor
(K)Plans President
Megan Lockhart
Investment Advisory Operations Manager
Meghan Dorsey
Senior Wealth Advisor
Michael Brown
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Michael Barbercheck
Wealth Services Manager
Financial Assistant
Legal Services Associate
Nicki Stackelbeck
Certified Fund Specialist® (CFS®)
Paul Gabriel
Director of Capital Markets, Head of Fixed Income
Trading & Portfolio System Team Associate
Senior Wealth Services Manager
Ryan Powers
Senior Wealth Advisor
Ryan Zabrowski
Director of Arbitrage, Senior Portfolio Manager
Wealth Services Manager
Business Operations Manager
Stacy Flanagin
Certified Senior Advisor®, Wealth Advisor
Senior Wealth Advisor
Senior Vice President, Wealth Advisor
Technology and Communications Manager
Tom Lewis
Partner, Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer
Senior Wealth Advisor
Bill Pohrer
Partner and Senior Wealth Advisor
Wealth Advisor
Associate Wealth Advisor
Investment Advisory Services offered through Krilogy Financial, an SEC Registered Investment Advisor located in St. Louis, Missouri and are: NOT FDIC INSURED • NOT BANK GUARANTEED • MAY LOSE VALUE • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL OR STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY

Krilogy® does not provide tax and legal advice. Krilogy® is affiliated with Krilogy Tax Services, LLC through certain common ownership interest by Krilogy partners. Krilogy Tax Services provides tax planning and preparation services for an additional cost to Krilogy clients.